Group Code of Conduct


Parker Corporation Group Code of Conduct

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Comply with the laws, regulations and internal rules of the Company, acting fairly and with a sense of responsibility.

2. Customers Trust

Provide products and service which meet customer’s needs.

3. Mutual Trust with Business Partners

Build mutual trust and respect through fair business.

4. Shareholders and Creditors

Communicate accurately and timely when furnishing information to shareholders and creditors.

5. Human Resources

Create a good working environment where employees can excel to the best of their capability. Prepare educational opportunities for that purpose.

6. Safe and Sanitary Conditions

Recognize the importance of safe and sanitary working conditions and strive to create that environment.

7. Environment Preservation

Observe and comply with environmentally related laws and regulations.

8. Reliable Accounting

Report accurately and disclose proper financial/accounting records with accordance to the corporate accounting rules and guidelines.

9. Illegal Practices

Never conduct any business with Anti-Social Parties.

10. Global Business Activity

Respect the culture and customs of all nations.

11. Management Assignment

Management of Parker Corporation Group will take initiative in enforcing this Code of Conduct and make full dissemination to the directors and employees of all of the Parker Corporation Group.